October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month

One in eight women will develop breast cancer in their lifetime, including over 300,000 new cases each year, and sadly, over 49,000 deaths each year.

When detected at a localized stage, before it has spread to other tissues, the 5-year survival rate is over 99%, adding to the over 3.8-million breast cancer survivors living in the United States.

Scheduled screenings have been down due to the pandemic, leading experts to worry that some cases are going undetected in the early, localized stages, potentially leading to more dangerous conditions later on.

To help spread awareness, the Henrietta Town Board, through resolution #21-289/2021, has decreed that October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month in Henrietta and is spreading the word in support of all of the breast cancer patients and breast cancer survivors and victims, and to encourage women to not let their scheduled screenings slip due to the pandemic.