Building Permits - Building permits are required to construct, modify, install, or demolish any structures on properties, including houses, garages, sheds, fences, pools, porches, and the like. Both residential and commercial building permits and associated forms can be found here.
Dog Park Permits - Access to the Monroe County Dog Park system, including the Henrietta Dog Park, requires a separate permit in addition to a dog license. The dog park permit application can be found here.
Highway Permits - Highway permits are required to construct, modify, remove, or repave any portion of the driveway, including any turn-arounds and extensions. The driveway permit application can be found here.
Planning Board Approvals - Planning Board approvals include Site Plans, Subdivisions, and more and are required for development within the Town prior to obtaining building permits. Planning Board reviews and approves most of these, although small projects may be able to be approved administratively through the Director of Engineering and Planning. The application materials can be found at the bottom of the page here.
Special Use Permits - Special permits are required for certain uses within Town as per the Town Zoning Codes. The permits are reviewed at a public hearing and acted upon by the Town Board. For larger actions, a State Environmental Quality Review (SEQR) process may require additional preparation time prior to when the Permit can be acted on by the Town Board so please plan accordingly. The application materials can be found at the bottom of the page here.
Zoning Variances - Town Zoning Codes can not cover every possible variation that might arise and as such are written to the standard and allow for the applicant to apply for a variance should their situation not fit neatly within the bounds of the Zoning Codes. When reviewing, the Zoning Board of Appeals looks at a number of criteria including whether the variance would create a situation that is detrimental to the neighborhood or whether the situation can be resolved in another reasonable manner that would not require a variance. The application materials can be found at the bottom of the page here.