Engineering & Planning

The Engineering/Planning Department provides current technical information available regarding Zoning, Town Districts, Town owned utilities and roadway systems, FEMA Flood Zone mapping, and NYSDEC Wetland Mapping. The Town’s Engineering/Planning Department reviews new developments and coordinates with Town, County, and State Agencies. The Engineering Department also participates with public works projects involving drainage, sanitary sewers, sidewalks rehabilitation or reconstruction projects. We respond to public complaints related to new or current developments under construction.

The Town’s Engineering Department conducts field inspections on all new developments in the Town and administers Capital Improvement Projects.

Frequently Asked Questions

The initial rough grading will be done soon after the necessary underground utility corrections are made. Due to the nature of the work and allowing time for ground settlement, the final restoration may not be completed until weather conditions or seasonal restrictions allow. Rest assured that the final restoration will be completed on all Town controlled projects.

The Street map can be purchased at the Town Clerk’s Office and the Zoning Map can be purchased in the Building Department. Note that these copies are in black and white. Interactive town GIS maps and select PDFs are available on the town maps page. Documents relating to the town code are available by visiting the link below. 

eCode - Misc. Documents

Subdivisions of property require a review by the Town. This may be administrative or formal (Planning Board) depending on the nature of the subdivision. Contact the Engineering Department at (585) 359-7070 for more information and to begin the review process.

The Town of Henrietta has many, but not all, recorded easements for Town infrastructure such as sewers, drainage, etc.  Please contact the Engineering Department at (585) 359-7070 for additional information.

Land records are also recorded and available to search through the Monroe County Clerk.

If a partial abandonment is needed because part of a structure is located within the easement then a map showing the encroachment with a metes and bounds description of the proposed abandonment, prepared by a NYS licensed land surveyor, is submitted to the Engineering Department and the Town Board for approval and if approved, it is then recorded in the Monroe County Clerk’s office.

If the drainage problem is a result of new construction near your property, please contact the Engineering Department at (585) 359-7070 and an inspector will investigate your complaint.  For all other drainage issues, please contact the Drainage Department at (585) 359-7072 or (585) 359-7005 if it is an emergency.

Your neighbor’s sump discharge must be self contained on their own property, if it is not it must be redirected in order to do so.  Contact the Code Enforcement office at (585) 359-7066 for additional assistance.

No; this is a violation of Town Code.

Follow these steps:

Go to FEMA’s website (
Click on Flood Insurance, Maps and Information
Then click on Map Service Center  (MSC).
From this page under Select a Product: choose Flood Maps and then enter your address/parcel information and click on the search button.  You will then be able to view a map of your property and determine whether or not it is in a Flood Zone.

Note: The Town of Henrietta Engineering Department is only a distributing agency of the FIRM information and does not make any determination regarding the Flood Zone or provide Letters of Map Revision (LOMR).

If you feel that you are not in a Flood Zone in contrast to what the FIRM shows, you must hire a Licensed Land Surveyor at your own expense to provide you with an Elevation Certificate.  You should then submit a copy of the Certification to FEMA so that they can review your claim and make a determination.  The issue is only between the land-owner and FEMA.

Sorry, the Town cannot refer business to any consulting/contracting firm.  The best way to find professional services is to look in the phone book or online; do your homework and ask for past project experience within the Town of Henrietta.

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