Committee Openings

Town Hall

The Town of Henrietta is looking for residents interested in serving on the following committees:   

  • Good Shepherd Church / Burger Farmhouse Ad Hoc Committee

The Town has reached an agreement with the Rush-Henrietta Central School District to subdivide out the Church and Farmhouse for transfer to the Town so the Town can take on the cost and maintenance of the historic properties and make them available to the public. The plan for the Church is to become a public facility, much like our current cabins and pavilions, that could be rented for public use as well as provide additional meeting space for the Town, including potentially great space for a polling site. The plan for the Farmhouse is to use it as a public meeting space for some of the community organizations that provide services to the Town of Henrietta, such as RHAFTRHAA, the Rush-Henrietta Rotary, the Henrietta Foundation, and the Garden Club. This committee would help refine the plans for improvements to the facilities, including adding a wheelchair ramp in a manner consistent with its historic nature, as well as internal improvements. Once completed this committee would dissolve. Expected work load is 3 to 4 meetings, roughly once per month. Meeting dates and times would be determined by the members. Some seats on this committee have been designated for liaisons from other boards/committees or employees of the Town or School District. 

  • Sustainability Ad Hoc Committee

The Town is looking to pursue a number of sustainability initiatives, including several State and Federal funding opportunities. This committee would help identify which opportunities to pursue and help put together material needed for a grant application. In addition, this committee would make recommendations on creating a permanent Sustainability Committee as well as a new section of Town Code on Sustainability, the initial outline of which has been drafted, minus specific initiatives. Once the new Town Code is presented and adopted, this committee would dissolve in favor of the new, permanent committee. Expected work load is 5 to 6 meetings, roughly twice per month, plus additional effort on specific grant applications. Meeting dates and times would be determined by the members. Some seats on this committee have been designated for liaisons from other boards/committees or employees of the Town.

All applicants must be a Henrietta resident.  Please submit a letter of interest explaining why you think you'd be a good fit to the Town Clerk’s Office by 3:00 p.m. on Friday, May 21st at Town of Henrietta, 475 Calkins Road, Rochester, NY 14623 or by email to

Please direct any questions to the Town Clerk’s Office at the email address listed above or by calling 585-359-7035.